Food Forests
Food Forests incorporate permaculture principles and mimic woodland ecosystems using edible trees, shrubs, and other perennials. Fruit and nut trees make up the upper level, while berry shrubs and (mainly) edible perennials make up the lower levels.
Once established, the gardens are relatively low maintenance and require no watering after the first year. In 2016 planning began for Sudbury's first community food forest.
In 2017, volunteers led by Sudbury Shared Harvest began establishing the Delki Dozzi Community Food Forest. Since then we have worked with many more groups and individuals to establish a number of much smaller food forests across the city.
We hope to eventually facilitate at least one of these smaller food forests on public properties in each of Sudbury's wards, with locations depending on various factors. Most importantly there needs to be some demonstrated commitment to long-term maintenance by people who live in the neighbourhood.
We hope to eventually facilitate at least one of these smaller food forests on public properties in each of Sudbury's wards, with locations depending on various factors. Most importantly there needs to be some demonstrated commitment to long-term maintenance by people who live in the neighbourhood.